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Population projections for Malawi

Malawi Population Projection procedure PDF format)

The Malawi population projections were produced using RUPMENU and RUPAGG programs developed by the US Bureau of the Census.Projection refers to a good estimate of the past or future situation of population trends in a country, region or district. The projection concentrated much on the future trends based on the 1998 Malawi Population and Housing Census, and 2023 was taken as end year of the projections. The results present the population projections at national and district level.Below are tables on the projections which are available in MS Excel.(  )

Table 1: Summary of Projected Population Growth )

This table provides projected information about mid year population, growth rate, births, crude birth rates, deaths and lastly crude death rates.

Table 2: Life expectancy, infant mortality rate and Total Fertility rate )

This table provides projected information about expectation of life at birth by sex, infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births by sex and total fertility rate.

Table 3: Population by age and sex

This table contains projected information about mid year population by 5year age groups and sex. It also provided information on special age groups such as the under five, child bearing age group 15_49 and school going age groups 6 _13 years and14 _17 years, the voting age population (18 years and over) just to mention a few.

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