
Demography and Other Social Indicators

Malawi Urban Rural
Poverty headcount (percent below poverty line) 2005 52.4 25.4 55.9
Percentage of poor 2005 100 5.5 94.5
Gini coefficient of consumption 2005 0.39 0.48 0..34
Consumption of poorest 20% of population as % of total 2005 22.4 7.5 24.3
Population Projections (mn) (Mid – Year Population)
2005 2010 2015
12.3 14.6 17.1
0.61 0.66 0.74
0.21 0.20 0.20
Recent demographic indicators (from 2004 MDHS)
Malawi Urban Rural
Total fertility rate (children per woman) 2004 6.0 4.2 6.4
Infant mortality (infant deaths per 1,000 births)

2004 76 60 98
Child mortality (child deaths per 1,000 births) 2004 62 60 74
Under 5 mortality rate (under 5 deaths per 1,000 births) 2004 133 116 164
Maternal mortality ratio (maternal death per 100,000 live births)
1992 2000 2004

620 1120 984

Net primary enrolnment (% school age
Malawi Urban Rural
children attending school) 2004 82 89 81
Male 2004 79 92 76
Female 2004 62 84 58
Median years of school, males 2004 7.3 5.1 5.6
Median years of school,females 2004 6.9 3.4 4.1
Literacy rate Malawi Urban Rural
Male 2004 72 88 69
Female 2004 49 75 44
2003 2004 2005
Enrolment in Primary Schools 000’ 3,113 3,167 3,201
Enrolment in Secondary Schools 000’ 131 180 184
Enrolment at Universities in Malawi N0 4,757 5,782 5,810
Malawi Urban Rural
Last births for which the mother received

Antenatal care from a health professional (%) 2004 93 98 91
Tetanus toxoid injection during pregnancy (%) 2004 85 90 84
Medical assistance at delivery (%) 2004 56 84 53
% of children age 12-23 months

Fully vaccinated 2004 64 71 64
No vaccinations 2004 3.5 0.7 3.9
% of children < 5 years taken to health facility in response to recent

Acute respiratory infection (ARI) 2004 19 11 20
Fever 2004 37 30 38
Diarrhoea 2004 36 39 36
Malawi Urban Rural

2004 89 98 87

Key: .. =Not available;bn=billion;%=percent;mm=millimetres;ha=hectares; K=Malawi Kwacha;-=zero or less than half;mn=million;km=kilometres Malawi in Figures is an annual publication of the National Statistical Office. Data sources include the Statistical Yearbook, 1998 Population Census, 1998 Integrated Household Survey, 2000 Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire, 2000 Demographic and Health Survey and 2002 DHS EdData Survey.